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This is a 12 week course. When it comes to sharing or communicating the love and message of Jesus, and making disciples, it’s often better caught than taught.  Observation, engagement and personal conversations are more effective in most cases than lectures, books, instructional manuals or sermons.  Those natural, spontaneous opportunities can happen regularly in our normal traffic patterns.  We all live in a mission field, made up of our families, neighbors, co-workers or fellow students, and friends, as well as other connections we might have anywhere we encounter people. 


This course deals with discipling and building the Kingdom of Christ. Based on Scripture, we know that every follower of Jesus can and should be a disciple-maker. Furthermore, properly understanding what a church exists for, that every follower of Jesus can be instrumental in churches (groups of Jesus followers) being planted. We are not actually commanded in Scripture to plant churches, but to plant the Seed of the Word of God, the Gospel. We are to communicate the Good News of Jesus to everyone and to make disciples of all people. 


Week One, Two,  and Three -How the Gospel Spreads

Consider how the Gospel spread throughout the entire populated world in the First Century, before the invention of radio, television, the internet, or the printing press.  Think about how God preserved the accuracy of His message (His Word) in predominantly oral cultures, before it became a written text.  The more we understand about the early Church, the better we can understand about what it will take to communicate the Good News of Jesus and make disciples among the least and last unreached people of the world.  Dr. Thom Wolf, a respected global missiologist, has said that the 21st Century Church may look a lot like the 1st Century Church.

Week Four and Five - Jesus, our best Model

Think about how Jesus communicated His message, gave instruction and trained His disciples?  How the disciples reproduced His message that has now resulted in more than 2 billion on the planet who identify with the Christian faith?  (Recognizing, of course, that many identify themselves as Christians, but still are not true followers of Jesus).  I had a conversation with the leader of a large mission organization on these topics.  One of his comments was, “I haven’t thought about that, no one has ever asked me those questions.”  My immediate thought was, perhaps we should be asking those questions and having those conversations if we are going to be successful in completing the Great Commission.

Week Six and Seven - Asking the Right Questions - Some important questions to consider, for those who are serious about obeying all the commands of Jesus, are “How do most people best receive, understand, respond to and reproduce the message and love of Christ?” These issues are vital to advancing the Kingdom of God and completing the Great Commission. More than 70% of the people of the world are oral learners, by necessity or by preference and will not be reached by modern, text-based methods of communication. The lessons we can learn from the rapidly reproducing disciple making and church planting movements from the early Church, are more relevant to spreading the Gospel today than much of the post-Reformation and modern Western methods.

Week Eight and Nine - Biblical, Understandable and Reproducible - It’s encouraging to see people come alive with new excitement and vision for mission and ministry impact. Communicating the Good News of Jesus and making disciples are not as complicated as they have become in many Church traditions in the World. Proper training and teaching can equip ordinary followers of Jesus with oral skills that are biblical, understandable and reproducible to all places and every people group on earth.

Week Ten and Eleven -Prayer and the Work of the Spirit - Foundational, of course, to the effectiveness within the story-telling movement is prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that was at work 2,000 years ago is still at work today. Imagine how just a few changes of methods and strategies can greatly accelerate the growth of the Jesus Movement. Mass meetings, big events and the use of radio, television and modern technology all have their place in today’s church/mission enterprises. However, the importance of small, simple, reproducible systems and structures cannot be overlooked or over-emphasized. Jesus Himself focused on influencing the few, to impact the many.

Week 12 - Exam

Personal Observation

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